GB 5009.287-2022 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB5009.287-2022): National food safety standard - Determination of bixinin foods [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 21 août 2022 - 10 pages This Standard specifies the method of liquid chromatography for the determination of bixin (bixin and norbixin) in foods. This Standard is applicable to the determination of bixin and norbixin in cheese, processed cheese and similar products, margarine and similar products, non-dairy creamers, frozen drinks, jams, chocolate and chocolate products, candies, grains and grain products, baked goods, western-style ham, meat sausages, compound seasonings, beverages, jelly and puffed food. |
Expressions et termes fréquents
100 mL brown 50 mL plastic accurate to 0.01 Accurately weigh-take 10.0 Add 20 mL adopt the nitrogen ammonia ethanol solution ammonia water anhydrous ethanol BHT-dichloromethane solution BHT-ethanol solution 3.2.2 BHT-petroleum ether solution bixin isomers bixin or norbixin bixin solution containing brown volumetric flask chromatographic column chromatographically pure cis-bixin standard solutions cis-norbixin and cis-bixin constant volume curve regression equation determination of bixin diatomaceous earth dichloromethane diode array detector discard the upper ethanol solution 3.2.4 ether solution 3.2.5 Figure A.1 g accurate g of BHT glacial acetic acid layer of solution liquid chromatogram mass concentration measure-take mg/kg mg/L mixed standard mL brown volumetric mL plastic centrifuge nitrogen concentration device norbixin and bixin peak area perform vortex oscillation petroleum ether plastic centrifuge tube r/min reach a constant Reagents reference substances certified samples Weigh-take 0.5 solution containing cis specimen solution standard stock solution standard working solution stock solution 3.4.1 trans-configurations weigh-take 10.0 mg