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wife especially due to Captain THOMAS HUTCHINS, Geographer-General of the United States, for his particular friendship and affiftance.

It is to be regretted, that fo few Maps could be introduced into the work; but the Author hopes to be enabled to increase the number in future Editions. The Map of the Southern States, was compiled from original and authentic documents, by Mr. JOSEPH PURCELL, of Charleston, South Carolina, a Gentleman fully equal to the undertaking, and is the most accurate yet published refpecting that country, on fo fmall a fcale. The Map of the Northern States was compiled principally by the Engraver, from the best Maps that could be procured; it was chiefly defigned to give the reader an idea of the relative fituation, and comparative extent of the several states and countries comprehended within its limits.

Indian names of rivers, &c. are spelled as they are pronounced, for the fake of expunging fuperfluous letters, and preventing perfons unacquainted with the names from miftaking their true pronunciation.

The meridian which paffes through Philadelphia is fixed, in this work, as the firft, because of the

fize, the beauty, the improvements, and the central fituation of that city.

The Abridgement of Europe, Afia, and Africa, is added with a view to accommodate Schools and private Families. Every citizen ought to be thoroughly acquainted with the geography of his own country, and to have some idea, at least, of the other parts of the world; but as many of them cannot afford the time and expence neceffary to acquire a complete knowledge of the several parts of the Globe, this book offers them fuch information as their fituation in life may require; and while it is calculated early to impress the minds of Youth with an idea of the fuperior importance of their own country, as well as to attach them to its interefts, it furnishes a simplified account of other countries, calculated to their capacities, and will serve as an introduction to their future improvement in Geography.

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Boundaries, Divifions, Chief Towns, Rivers, Mountains, &c. 161, 162

Productions, Manufactures, Trade, Population, &c.


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